Coniunctio Gastronomique: Reflections on the Process of Individuation in Culinary Terms
Psychological Perspectives
December 4, 2014
Lectures & Workshops:
Coniunctio Gastronomique: How to Make a Roux
Council of North American Societies of Jungian Analysts
November 2011
Coniunctio Gastronomique: An Amuse Bouche
Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts
October 2013
Coniunctio Gastronomique: How to Make a Roux
C.G. Jung Society of Lafayette, Louisiana
September 2014
Coniunctio Gastronomique: Hole Molé
The C.J. Jung Institute of Santa Fe
March 2015
Psyche is as hungry for manifestation in the world as man is hungry for spiritual nourishment.
Through its appetite the soul makes itself known to us. Cooking has become the language of Susan Negley's soul. As with the alchemists and their alchemical arts, her training in the culinary arts of French cooking and mastery of its processes has enhanced our speaker's understanding of spiritual transformation, what Jung calls individuation. As such, there is a feast of metaphor and analogy when using the language of cooking and eating to talk about psychological development. The Coniunctio
Gastronomique, is a study of the process of individuation in culinary terms.
"Tell me what you eat: I will tell you what you are." Brillat-Savarin.
Coniunctio Gastronomique: Hole Molé
Southern Arizona Friends of Jung
May 2015
Writing Your Own Personal Myth
The C.J. Jung Institute of Santa Fe
March 2015
The raw ingredients of our early life become the prima materia of psychic life. The positive and negative activations of the primordial psyche become one's own personal mythology. Jung challenges us to know which myths we live by. How one engages the unconscious, understands and makes meaning, how one constructs a meaningful life, becomes one's personal equation. Jung would call this a moral imperative.
Workshop participants will be looking at the language of their own psyche to see how their own personal myth has been unfolding and creating the narrative of their lives.
Writing Your Own Personal Myth
Southern Arizona Friends of Jung
May 2015
The raw ingredients of our early life become the prima materia of psychic life. The positive and negative activations of the primordial psyche become one's own personal mythology. Jung challenges us to know which myths we live by. How one engages the unconscious, understands and makes meaning, how one constructs a meaningful life, becomes one's personal equation. Jung would call this a moral imperative.
Workshop participants will be looking at the language of their own psyche to see how their own personal myth has been unfolding and creating the narrative of their lives.